Surah Rahman- Allah describes His mercy and favors for His creatures.

There are many lovely and remarkable surahs in the Holy Quran. Surah Rahman is one of them; it is the 55th chapter in chronological order and contains 78 verses that were revealed in Madinah. Allah describes His mercy and favors for His creatures in this surah.

Listen Surah Rahman

Surah Rahman: Complete in Arabic, Advantages, and Significance

Benefits of Surah Rahman

* Assist with everything in life. You will benefit from reciting this surah in every area of your life.

* Strengthens the bond between you and Allah.

* Simplicity on the day of judgment. On the day of judgment, Allah will be forgiving when it comes to the reciter of Surah-Al-Rahman.

* Aids in obtaining employment and wealth.

* The benefits of reciting this surah are both spiritual and physical.

* Unthinkable blessings and rewards. which result from reciting this verse.

* Liberates you from hypocrisy. Everyday after the Fajr prayer,read and commit to memory Surah Al-Rahman. This will purge the heart of the evil of hypocrisy.

* On the Day of Resurrection, it provides consolation and relief.

* Help the sick get better for cures.

* Minds and hearts achieve a sense.

When to read the Rahman Surah

Reading Surah Rahman is encouraged every day and can be done at any time. As part of their custom of reading particular surahs following each salaah, pious people read it after the Zuhr salaah.

Surah Rahman Translation

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

1. The Most Compassionate.
2. Taught the Quran.
3. He created man.
4. He taught him eloquent speech.
5. The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses with precision.
6. And the stars and the trees both prostrate.
7. And the heaven: He has raised it high, and He has set up the Balance.
8. In order that you do not transgress the balance.
9. And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.
10. And the earth: He has put down for the creatures.
11. In it are fruit, palm trees with date stalks,
12. And grain with husks, and aromatic plants.
13. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
14. He created man mankind from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.
15. And the jinn: He created from a smokeless flame of fire.
16. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
17. He is the Lord of the two Easts and the Lord of the two Wests.
18. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
19. He has let loose the two seas, meeting together.
20. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.
21. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
22. Out of them both come out pearl and coral.
23. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
24. And His are the ships going and coming in the seas, like mountains.
25. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
26. Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish.
27. And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever.
28. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
29. Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him. Every day He is engaged in some matter.
30. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
31. We shall attend to you, O you two dependents!
32. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
33. O assembly of jinn and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass beyond! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority.
34. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
35. There will be sent against you both, smokeless flames of fire and molten brass, and you will not be able to defend yourselves.
36. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
37. How horrible will it be when the heavens will split apart, becoming rose-red like burnt oil!
38. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
39. On that Day there will be no need for any human or jinn to be asked about their sins.
40. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
41. The criminals will be known by their marks and they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet.
42. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
43. This is the Hell which the criminals denied.
44. They will go between it and the fierce boiling water!
45. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
46. But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens
47. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
48. With spreading branches.
49. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
50. In them will be two springs flowing free .
51. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
52. In them will be every kind of fruit in pairs.
53. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
54. Reclining upon the couches lined with silk brocade, and the fruits of the two Gardens will be near at hand.
55. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
56. Wherein both will be chaste females restraining their glances, desiring none except their husbands, with whom no man or jinn has touched before them.
57. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
58. They are like rubies and coral.
59. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
60. Is there any reward for good other than good?
61. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
62. And besides these two, there are two other Gardens.
63. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
64. Dark green (in colour).
65. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
66. In them will be two springs gushing forth.
67. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
68. In them both will be fruits, and date palms and pomegranates.
69. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
70. Therein (Gardens) will be fair wives; good and beautiful.
71. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
72. Hûr (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions;
73. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
74. With whom no man or jinn has touched before them.
75. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
76. Reclining on green cushions and rich beautiful mattresses.
77. Then which of the Favours of your Lord will you both deny?
78. Blessed be the Name of your Lord, the Owner of Majesty and Honour.

Watch video of Surah Rahman

What Surah Rahman Means

This amazing chapter's structure explains Allah's punishments as well as the blessings and rewards that our Lord has given us and will continue to give us in this life and the next, insha'Allah.

One of the most repeated themes occurs in the following statement where Allah says:

فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?

Ar-Rahman [55:13]                                                                     


Al-Bazzar, Ibn Jarir, Ibn Al- Mundhir, Daraqutni (in Al Afrad), Ibn Marduyah and Ibn Al Khatib (in Al- Tarikh) have related, on the authority of Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar:

Once the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recited Surah Ar-Rahman himself, or heard it recited before him : then he said to the people: How is it that I am not hearing from you the kind of good answer that the jinn had given to their Lord? When the people asked what it was he replied: “As I recited the Divine Words, Fa bi- ayyi alaa’i Rabbi-kuma tukadhdhiban ( So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?), the jinn in response would repeat the words La bi shai’in min ni’mati Rabbi- na nukadhdhib : “We do not deny any of our Lord’s blessings.”

After enumerating blessing after blessing, Allah keeps bringing up this rhetorical question to highlight our lack of gratitude and the abundance of mercy, He has bestowed upon us in spite of it.

What is discussed in the surah?

Other subjects covered in this surah include:

* The manner in which Allah made nature and the world.
* The Judgment Day.
* What heaven's inhabitants will go through?
* What will happen to the people who live in hell?

. Surah Yaseen- The heart of Quran

This is the only surah in which both humans and jinn are directly addressed, made aware of the beauty of Allah's power, His innumerable blessings, their own powerlessness and responsibility before Him, and warned of the terrible consequences of disobeying Him.It also makes them aware of the best outcomes of obeying Him.

This Surah makes it abundantly evident that the Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet SAW are intended for both men and jinn, and that his prophetic status is not limited to humans.

Topics discussed in Surah Rahman: 

1–4:  It has been said that the teachings of the Qur'an are from Allah Almighty, and that it is His mercy that He should use them to guide humanity since He is the one who created man as a sentient, logical being.
5–6:  According to some, Allah is the only one with the authority to command everything in the earth and heavens, and the entire universe is said to operate under His sovereignty.
7-9:  Because Allah created the universe's entire system specifically and fairly on the basis of justice, its very nature demands that its inhabitants uphold justice within the parameters of their power and shouldn't throw off the balance.

10–25:  References have been made to Allah's bounties, which both men and the jinn benefit from, in addition to the wonders and excellences of His power.

26–30:  The men and the jinn have been reminded of the fact that no one in this universe is immortal or imperishable except for God, and that everyone, regardless of rank, depends on God for survival and other necessities. Everything that takes place here, from the ground to the sky, is managed and controlled by Him.

31–36:  Both groups have received warnings that they will be held accountable soon and that they will not be able to escape this.
37–38:  This accountability is supposed to take place on the Day of Resurrection.
39–45:  It has been mentioned that those who disobey Allah in this world, whether they be jinn or men, will suffer an evil fate.
46-end:  It has been mentioned that the righteous men and jinn who have lived pious lives and who have a firm understanding that they must one day appear before their Lord and give an account of their actions and deeds will receive certain rewards and blessings.

Alī told that he heard God’s messenger say, “Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur’ān is ar-Rahmān” (Qur’ān, 57) Transmitted by Baihaqī in Shu’ab al-īmān.

Mishkat ul-Masabih

[inspired by: The Quran Recital]

Recite Surah Rahman Arabic Text


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