Seerat un Nabi (pbuh) -

Seerat Un Nabi (pbuh)

 Title: Digging of Zam Zam Well

 Ibrahim's (pbuh) son, Ismail (pbuh), had 10 sons. His descendants could not survive in Mecca and spread all over the Hejaz - among the descendants of one of his sons, Qedar, was Adnan. Nazar had four sons. One of them was named Quraish bin Malik was born from the progeny of al-Hadir, who was also called Fahr bin Malik.

Hashim married the daughter of one of the chiefs of Madinah, and a son was born to them. He said to the people, "This is Hashim's son and my nephew. "Yet the people began to call him the slave of Matlab - thus Sheba came to be called Abdul-Muttalib - from him were born Abu Talib Hamza, Abbas, Abdullah, Abul-Lab, Haris, Zubair, Harrar, and Abdul-Rahman - from his son Abdullah was born our Prophet Muhammad.

Hazrat Abdullah was the most beautiful and the most pious of all the sons of Abdul Muttalib. 'Abdullah was ordered to dig the well of Zamzam in a dream.

The chief of Jerahmeh was killed by The people of the Jarham tribe were the chiefs of Mecca at that time. "They were God's servants. They started desecrating the Baitullah - their chief was Majadid bin 'Amr. "He was a good man. He explained to his tribe not to desecrate the House of Allah, but it did not affect them. "When he saw that it had no effect on them, he decided to leave the people to their fate.

Now his name and mark was erased - for a long time this well remained closed, after which the Banu Khaz'a killed the Banu Jarrah from there, "The time of the leadership of Banu Khaz'a and Qa'qa passed in this condition - the well remained closed until the time of Abdul Muttalib came after the Qa'qa.

Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Umar (radiallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "I was at the Hajar Ashhad when a visitor came to me - he said to me," Dig Taiba. "

I asked, "What is the matter?

But he left without saying anything - on the other hand, the same man came again in a dream at night.

I asked him, "What is the matter?

On the third night I was asleep in my bed, and the man came to me in a dream and said, "Dig up the rubbish."

I asked, "What is the matter? "He left without saying anything.

The next night I was in bed again when the same man came back and said, "Zam Zam Khudo," I asked him, "What is Zam Zam? This time he said:

"Zamzam is the water that never runs out, which irrigates large groups of pilgrims.

Abdulhamid said, I asked him.

"Where is this place? 

he said

"Where there is filth and blood, and the crow stumbles"

The next day, Abdul Muttalib went there with his son Haris. They saw there was dirt and blood and a crow was stumbling, there were idols on both sides of the place and this dirt and blood was actually of the animals sacrificed on these idols.

"By Allah, we will not allow you to dig here, you want to dig a well in front of our two idols where we offer sacrifices to them."

Abd al-Muttalib listened to him and said to his son Harith:

"Don't let them come near me. for the work that I have been commanded to do I will definitely do it, "he said.

When the Quraish saw that they were not going to stop, they stopped - finally they started digging - soon the signs of the well began to appear and call out.

"Behold, this is the building of Ishmael.
When the Quraish saw that they had found the well, they came to them and said:
"By Allah, this is the well of our father Ishmael, and we have a right to it."
Upon hearing this, Abdullah said:
"I can't do this alone.
The Quraysh said:
"Then we will talk about it.
Abdullah said:
"Somebody has to decide.
They approved of the ruling of Banu Sa'd ibn Hazim, who lived in the upper part of Syria. Finally, Abd al-Muttalib and the other Quraysh went to him.
While the other tribes were also accompanied by a group of Quraish At that time there was a wilderness between the land of Hijaz and Syria. There wasn't any water. They ran out of water in this field - all the people were thirsty, until they were sure of their death - they asked the other people of Quraish for water, but they refused to give water.
'Abdul-Muttalib got up and came to his ride, and as soon as his ride got up, a spring of water came boiling from under his feet - he saw the water and shouted Allahu Akbar - then 'Abdul-Muttalib came down from the ride - everyone was well-rested and drank water and filled his muscles.
"By Allah, O 'Abdul- Muttalib, it has been decreed for you, and we will never argue with you about the religion. "The one who made you drink water in the wilderness will also make you drink water from heaven, so come back from here."
Thus the Quraish realized that Allah was kind to Abdul-Muttalib, so it was useless to argue with him, and there was no use in going to the Ka'bah.
Back then, Abd al-Muttalib again started digging the well - a little digging would have brought out wealth, wealth, swords and spears - it also contained gold and silver, etc. Seeing this wealth, the people of Quraish became greedy - they said to Abdul Muttalib:
'Abdullah, we too have a part in this.
When Abdul-Muttalib heard this, he said:
"No, you have no part in this. "Come, let us cast lots with the arrows of the five."
They agreed to do so - two arrows were placed in the name of the Ka'bah, two in the name of Abd al-Muttalib and two in the name of the rest of the Quraysh. They did not go out on anything - this is how it was decided - Abdul Muttalib decorated the door of the Ka'bah with gold.
Before the excavation of Zamzam, Abdul Muttalib had prayed: "O Allah, make it easy for me to excavate it, I will slaughter one of my sons in your way." Now when the well was out, they were ordered in a dream.
"Fulfill your vow, that is, kill a son."

Title: Sacrifice of Hundred Camels 

This order was given to Abdul Muttalib when he had forgotten his vow - first he was told in a dream "fulfill the vow" he slaughtered a ram and fed it to the poor "then he dreamed "offer a bigger one than this" this time he slaughtered an ox - the same was said in the dream again offer a bigger one - now he slaughtered a camel - then he had a dream offer something bigger than that - he asked "what is bigger than that" then it was said : " Now he remembered his vow - gathered his sons - mentioned the vow to them - all bowed their heads "Who would have himself slaughtered?" Finally Abdullah said. 

"Father, kill me."
They were the youngest - they were the most beautiful - Abdul Mutalib loved them the most, so they decided to draw lots - the names of all the sons were written and drawn - Abdullah's name came out. 
As soon as the father put his son down, Abbas could not restrain himself, he immediately went ahead and pulled his brother. At that time, he himself was also small. Meanwhile, the father pulled Abdullah. In this pulling, Abdullah got scratches on his face. The marks of these scratches remained until his death.
Meanwhile, Banu Makhzoom people came and said:

You should not slaughter the son like this, his mother's life will be ruined. “ Give Fidyah of a son to please his Lord. Now the question was, what how to please Lord. It was reported that ten camels should be written on one paper of the paper, Abdullah's name should be written on the other, if ten camel slips come out, then ten camels should be sacrificed. Raise camel by ten by ten -

Abdul Muttalib has done so "Ten to ten camels went up". Every time Abdullah's name went out, even the number of camels reached a hundred - then the camel's slip went out somewhere - thus sacrificing hundred camels for their lives.
Abdul Muttalib is now convinced that Allah Almighty has approved the sacrifice of Abdullah's hundred camels - he sacrificed a hundred camels near the Ka'bah and did not stop anyone from eating. "All humans, animals and birds ate them.

Imam Zahri says that Abdul Muttalib is the first man who started giving a hundred camels for a man's life - before that ten camels were given - then this method continued all over Arabia - as it became a law that the man's ransom was a hundred camels - the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that when he said, "

And on this basis the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 

I am the descendants of two sacrifices, namely, Ishmael and Abdullah 

Hazrat Abdullah was the most beautiful in Quraish. His face was a bright star. Many of the Quraish girls wanted to marry him, but Abdullah was married to Hazrat Amana. Hazrat Amna was the daughter of Wahib bin Abd Manaf bin Zahra. Hazrat Abdullah was eighteen years old at the time of marriage.

He was going with his father for marriage. On the way, a woman was sitting near the Ka'bah. This woman was the sister of Bin Naufal. This is the case, he thought it was the person who would be the father of a prophet born. So he said: 

"If you marry me, I will give you the same camel as you had slaughtered in exchange for your life."

On this he replied: 

"I am with my father. I do nothing against their will. I cannot be separated from them and my father is a dignified man, the chief of his people. Anyway, he was married to Hazrat Amina. You (Amina) were better than the Quraish women in terms of place and location. 

Hazrat Amina came to the house of Hazrat Abdullah - You say:

"When I became a mother, a man came to me, that is, an angel came in human form - I was in a state of waking up and sleeping (usually called this condition as drowsiness) - he said to me:

"You know, you are the leader of this Ummah and the mother of the Prophet."

Then he came again when the Prophet was about to be born - this time he said:

“When you have a birth, say:

"I seek Allah's refuge for this child, from the evil and evil of every envy - then you should name this child Muhammad, because their name is Ahmad in the Torah and the earth and the heavens praise them, while in the Qur'an their name is Muhammad, and the Qur'an is their book." (The beginning and the end)

According to a Narration (riwayat), the angel said to them that "You are the mother of the chief of the time, the sign of the child will be that a light will be revealed with him, which will fill the palaces of Syria and Basra - when that child is born, his name is Muhammad, because in the Torah, his name is Ahmad that the heavens and the earth praise them, while in the Qur'an their name is Muhammad, and the Qur'an is their book."  (The beginning and the end)

The light in the face of Hazrat Abdullah, after the marriage, came to Hazrat Amana's face. 

Imam Zahri says, the ruler has narrated this narration (riwayat) and has declared it correct that the Companions (RA) said to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

"O Messenger of Allah! Tell us something about yourself-" 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"I am the prayer of my father Ibrahim (pbuh), the good news of my brother Jesus. 
When I came into my mother's womb, she saw, as if a light had appeared from her that illuminated the palaces of Basra in the country of Syria.

Hazrat Amina told Hazrat Halima Saadia:

"The glory of this baby of mine is quirky, they were in my stomach so I felt no burden and tiredness."

Jesus is the last prophet who said 

The good news of the arrival of the Holy Prophet. The same is also mentioned in the Qur'an, in Surat- us -saff, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

And similarly, the time when Jesus Ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) said: O Children of Israel! I have come to you as the messenger of Allah, that I am the one who confirms the Torah that came before me, and the Messenger who is going to come after me, his name will be Ahmad, and I am the one who brings good news about him.
Now that Jesus had revealed this good news, people of every age were awaiting the arrival of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Here Hazrat Abdullah died before his birth. In previous books, a sign of your prophethood is also mentioned that your father will die before you are born. Hazrat Abdullah went to trade with a merchant caravan. During this time he fell ill and returned weak. When the caravan passed through Madinah, Hazrat Abdullah stayed with his nephew, Banu Najjar. His mother was from Banu Najjar. He was ill for a month and died. And was burried here. 
When the trade caravan reached Makkah without Hazrat Abdullah, Abdul Muttalib found out that his son Abdullah had fallen ill. And while they were in their little house in Medina, Abdul Muttalib sent his son Zubair to bring them. When they got there, Abdullah had passed away - meaning that he Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to this world a few months after his father's death.

Title: The month of Prophethood has dawned


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